
Dušan Jovanović

Dušan Jovanović

Head of Human Resources ,

I know where I want to go. And I have been treading that path my whole life, it is not easy, I constantly keep pushing boundaries. I wanted to prove…

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Srđan Milić

Srđan Milić

Head of Operations , MPS Integration

In the HR industry, it is often the case that the BPO model is identified with the term Staffing, what are the key differences?

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Nevena Stanisavljević

Nevena Stanisavljević

Founder HR World & Serbian HR Community

The labor market is hectic. Like the collision of molecules, the companies have been „colliding” with the candidates as part of the constant talent…

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Ivana Jevti

Ivana Jevtić

People and Culture Manager , Manpower Serbia

Nowadays, with a true war being waged for the talents on a numerous markets, the compensation and benefits policy (comp&ben policy) often…

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Aleksandar Ćamilovićić

Jelena Dragović Trebješanin

Generalni menadžer Ljudskih resursa i radnih odnosa , HBIS

Today, 5 years later, after summarizing different impressions about the Company's business, as well as the approach of Chinese partners and…

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Goran Pekez

Goran Pekez

Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications , JTI Serbia

As a nation, the Japanese are very organized, polite, and diligent, which is why such qualities are highly valued in their business culture.

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Larisa Grizilo

Larisa Grizilo

Larisa Grizilo , Glavni direktor ljudskih resursa i komunikacija , A1 Srbija i A1 Slovenija

The business community in Austria is playing an increasing role in the Serbian economy, and through our business it has been present on the Serbian…

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Nataša Dobre

Nataša Dobre

direktor ljudskih resursa , Beograd na vodi

Everyone has already heard that corporate culture "eats strategy for breakfast". And yet, there is no general recipe for building that best…

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Robert Jenovai

Robert Jenovai

Izvršni direktor ljudskih resursa , Nelt

How would you generally describe the business culture of African countries?

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Dušan Međedović

Dušan Međedović

Total Reward Director , Ahold Delhaize

Our corporate values are the foundation of the management of all our development plans, as well as the foundation of everyday behavior.

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Alisa Evsina

Alisa Evsina

HR direktor NIS

Every day at NIS starts with these greetings. We are a company with more than 11,000 employees coming from about twenty countries around the world…

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Jovana Uzelac

Jovana Uzelac

Direktorka ljudskih resursa kompanije Nestlé za jugoistočno evropsko tržište

How would you describe the business culture of Switzerland?

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Radoš Gazdić

Radoš Gazdić

Acting Director of Development Agency of Serbia (RAS)

For several years now, Serbia has been enjoying the status of one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world, and the inflow of…

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Lana Vuković

Lana Vuković

CFO , DXC Technology Company , Serbia and Croatia

Until a year ago, most employees in Serbia considered working from home a privilege. Flexibility in work schedule during the day, saving time of…

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Dejan Jovanović

Dejan Jovanović

Operations director EMEA , Ball Corporation

Many elements affect motivation, such as recognizing success, financial rewards, status benefits, career advancement plans, self-assertion, etc.

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Saša Popović.

Saša Popović

Co-Founder & CEO , Vega IT Sourcing

What does happiness at work mean?

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Gordana Brašić

Gordana Brašić

President , Henkel Srbija & Head of Human Resources Sub-cluster South

What HR parameters are most often used for making strategic business decisions?

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Tatjana Jovanović

Tatjana Jovanović

Senior HR Director Hemofarm , STADA

People analytics is based on data science and is another hype in the world of human resources. However, despite the fact that those who manage human…

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Mirjana Djordjevic

Mirjana Djordjevic

HR Director ,

You went through a patchwork of media headlines that have been following the IT industry in Serbia for years.

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Bogdan Pavlović

Bogdan Pavlović

IT Shared Service Manager , Tarkett

IT staff, at least in our company, comprises numerous and very different profiles: system engineers, devops engineers, network engineers, ERP…

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Vladimir Damnjanovi

Vladimir Damnjanovic

Country HR Head Serbia - Continental

What does it mean to be a HUMAN-CENTRIC organization?

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Marijana Poznan

Marijana Poznan

Regional Head of HR , Fresenuis

How to bridge differences in business culture when managing regional teams? How to build trust across teams in countries outside the headquarters?

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Vladan Živanović

Vladan Živanović

CEO Euronet WorldWide

If I had the opportunity to respond to this topic in some, let's call them "peacetime" conditions, I believe that most of my remarks…

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