Bogdan Pavlović

IT in a non-IT company - how to attract candidates?



IT staff, at least in our company, comprises numerous and very different profiles: system engineers, devops engineers, network engineers, ERP consultants, technical support engineers, etc. It would be unfair to address everyone as developers, so we will call them "candidates" or "IT people" :)

Is it harder to motivate IT people to work in a non-IT company than in an IT company?

The moment when candidates assess whether a job is interesting or not, one of the first questions to be answered is: is it an IT company or not? The more diverse the IT profiles, the more diverse the candidates' preferences, and they change, either over time because of getting fed up with job, or due to a change in personal priorities. The dynamics and way of working in companies where IT is not the main activity is simply different as the profit is realized by selling something else (products or services), and not by selling the IT people’s fruits of labor. On the other hand, a growing number of companies are realizing that well-organized IT is a key factor for successful digital transformation. Profiles in high demand are a bit harder to attract to a non-IT company.

What are the benefits of working in a non-IT company?

The IT industry has developed faster than any other industry and very often sets standards for dynamics, organization, customer relations, etc. All other industries are "slower". Non-IT companies have their advantages, which are most often reflected in the specific challenge of what an IT person should do. Examples are plentiful; e.g. Tarkett is a global company that sells in over 100 countries, we have over 30 production facilities in various parts of the world that are connected and use a unique infrastructure. We have several large projects of digital transformation, transition to cloud, etc. ... The most important thing is that the interests of candidates coincide with the interests of the company, whether an IT company or not. Every candidate should find the answer to the question: What will I do and will I be more valuable as an expert after some time spent here?

Each company has its advantages and it is difficult to generalize.

What do HRs have to do to "live in peace" with IT people?

HRs need to take care of employees. Apart from opening up to new opportunities for communication with your colleagues, something has to happen in respect of feedback HR receives. If action is lacking, the whole process makes no sense. HR, in collaboration with management, should listen to what is happening, avoid templates and generic solutions, and determine what actions are needed to bring employee feedback to life. I am satisfied because we in Tarkett have created a good atmosphere and cooperation with HR gives good results. IT people are demanding, which makes things a little difficult for you HRs, but we are also interesting.


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