Site Civil Engineer

Arhitektura i građevinarstvo
Stalno zaposlenje 3-5 godina radnog iskustva Na licu mesta

For our client, the construction company - China Construction Front Group, we are searching for a motivated candidate to take the challenge and successfully fulfill the position of a Civil Engineer. 

Job description: 

  • Organization of the construction site and execution of all necessary activities according to the established construction site schedule
  • Management of construction documentation and issuance of orders, particularly to each subcontractor
  • Verification and control of the accuracy of entered data in the subcontractors' construction logs
  • Participation in the process of contracting with subcontractors, and negotiating the necessary materials and equipment required for project implementation
  • Procurement of small inventory, tools, and materials needed for the execution of planned activities on the construction site
  • Issuing instructions to the employees at the construction site
Job requirements:
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in similar positions.
  • Bachelor's degree in civil engineering
  • Exceptional organizational and communication skills.
  • Advanced proficiency in English
  • Ability to effectively lead a team and address challenges
  • Familiarity with regulations and standards in the construction industry
Site Civil Engineer
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